Despite what you may read on certain fitness blogs, eating nutritious foods and having a good night’s sleep are the best ways to help boost muscle regeneration.
The most important step you can take to boost muscle regeneration is to live a healthy lifestyle overall. Unfortunately, no recovery method can compensate for poor nutrition and a lack of rest.
Many people believe that expensive supplements are required to achieve benefits from their workouts. It is true that certain supplements may be beneficial. But you will not enhance your performance unless you are already taking care of the basics.
This article will provide you with 11 proven tips to boost muscle regeneration and develop a more regular fitness program.
How to boost muscle regeneration?
Here are 11 proven tips to boost muscle regeneration after a hard workout:
1. Hydrate
Water is necessary for post-workout recovery, including muscle regeneration. However, according to a 2012 study in Sports Medicine, you should consider rebalancing your electrolytes after a high-intensity workout or on a hot day.
Electrolytes are minerals present in most foods that include magnesium, potassium, calcium, and sodium. These minerals are essential for your nervous system and are depleted during muscular contraction. By following good eating habits and including enough fruits and vegetables, you can get enough electrolytes for the best muscle repair.
After your workout, drink a glass of milk or a fruit smoothie to help replace electrolytes in your blood and boost muscle regeneration. You could also add salt to lemon water in the morning if you maintain a low-sodium diet.
2. Use a workout supplement
Branch-chain amino acids are used by some trainers and athletes (BCAAs). According to research, BCAAs affect muscle recovery and the immune system.
Supplements may not have a significant impact on those who already eat a healthy diet. This is because BCAAs may be found in whole foods such as eggs, tuna, yogurt, and milk.
Find some post-exercise snacks that you enjoy for maximum muscle recovery. And keep in mind that what you eat before your workout might also affect your muscle recovery!
3. Consume a post-workout snack
After a workout, a snack containing both carbohydrates and protein will help you boost muscle regeneration time by providing the nutrients your muscle tissue needs to begin repairing.
Start your day, try a coffee smoothie after a morning workout, or prepare fruit with yogurt. There are countless options for quick, healthy snacks, include protein and some nutritious carbs.
If you follow a plant-based diet, almonds, tofu, chickpeas, and other high-protein foods can provide your muscles with the nutrients they require for repair.
In the evening, a high-protein snack can also help with muscle regeneration overnight.
4. Listen to music
Music can help us fight through a tough workout — or at the very least distract us from that “My legs are on fire!” feeling — but listening to calm music can also help with muscle recovery.
Slow-tempo music can help you lower your heart rate faster and return your blood lactate — the thing that causes the pain in the first place — to resting levels faster after exercise.
5. Get a Good Night’s sleep
It’s no secret that getting enough sleep is essential for both mental and physical health. But did you realize that a lack of it may seriously hinder your muscular recovery? It can also affect your overall athletic performance.
According to a 2018 systematic review of published studies, sleep interventions such as sleep extension can have an important role in various aspects of athletic performance and recovery.
As a result, getting seven to eight hours of sleep every night may be important if you want to avoid training-related complications.
Try to sneak in a few afternoon sleeps during the week as well, if your schedule allows. For example, waiting two hours after a workout and having a fast 20-minute power sleep restores the muscles while not affecting your nocturnal sleeping.
6. Plan Your Rest Days Accordingly
The usual guideline is to have a healthy gap of 48 hours between exercises if you like more physically demanding exercises when it comes to rest days. This, of course, is not a universal rule. Rather, it is a guideline that you may follow or modify to suit your specific needs and preferences.
Always remember to stretch, especially on rest days. This habit will eventually help to boost muscle regeneration.
Depending on your age and skill level, you may need less or more rest. However, if you find yourself taking longer breaks, try to include in a couple of active recovery days per week.
These consist of light workouts like yoga or tai chi to keep you on track with your fitness goals. It will also help you relax while also recharging your batteries.
However, if you suspect an injury, it is advisable to listen to your body and take some time off.
You’re going to need a shower after your workout anyway. Make use of this to boost muscle regeneration. Shower for 30-40 seconds, alternating using ice cold and warm water. This method must be repeated 5-8 times. The ice water helps to protect your muscles from hurting and becoming sore. Warm water increases blood circulation and relaxes your tendons and muscles.
8. Ice Bath
In the case of particularly hard runs, the muscles may work so hard that they are damaged.
This is when it is important to focus on muscle recovery. For example, an ice bath after a workout slows blood circulation in the muscles and prevents internal bleeding in these injured muscles.
9. Use branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)
Leucine, isoleucine, and valine, the three BCAAs, are important for muscle repair and development. Leucine is very useful because it is the only dietary protein that can increase muscle protein synthesis. It is an “essential” amino acid, meaning it cannot be produced by the body. You must consume it through foods, liquids, or dietary supplements. If you work out regularly and intensely, you should try BCAAs.
10. Ingest glutamine
Glutamine is the most common amino acid in the human body and has several post-workout benefits. For example, according to one study, glutamine improves muscle recovery and reduces pain. Glutamine may be found in various foods, including chicken, fish, spinach, dairy, etc. It is also available as a supplement. Also, check the labels for glutamine-fortified protein shakes.
11. Get a massage
According to research, therapeutic massage can help to minimize DOMS and boost muscle regeneration. The mechanism appears to be in the use of compression techniques.
The bottom line
You put yourself at risk of injury if you do not allow your muscles to recover after exercise properly. Muscle injuries can range from minor to severe.
If your fitness level has plateaued, or if your muscles are always inflamed and sore, you may need to spend more time resting from your workouts.
A nutritious diet and a good night’s sleep are the greatest ways to boost muscle regeneration, whether you’re exercising to keep in shape or a competitive athlete.
No other recovery techniques will be able to compensate for bad habits in these two areas.