How to find joy is one of the most often googled questions that everyone does at least once in their lives, usually when they are in a world of pain and suffering. The hustle culture takes away many hobbies and time to recharge in the middle of the frantic search for ways to find joy. There is a lot of pressure to be better at work and to move up the success ladder. But little does one realize that one loses the greatest treasure in life in this race—joy. Most people don’t realize that there are simple ways to be happy even though you’re in a world of pain and suffering all day. And the reasons are actually much simpler than you would think.
How to find joy in a world of pain and suffering?
Let’s look at some different ways to find joy.
1. Stop waiting for joy
The good news is that there are always new chances to be happy. Consider life to be like Grand Central Station, where good times come at all hours of the day and night. The chance to be happy has most likely already arrived. It’s even right in front of you. You are unable to shift your attention to notice and appreciate it for whatever reason.
Regardless of what is going on around you, you will feel happier, be more creative, attract success, and have fun while doing it. Your perspective changes as you change your attention and the way you think. When a shift occurs, your life changes. So get ready for your change.
2. Add happiness to your life right now
Can you see it? You are a citizen of a tropical island. You have complete freedom to get up anytime you want to do whatever you want. Breakfast is delivered by a man called Jeeves. Everything you can see from your balcony reclining position is the ocean and your feet. Ah, the life of the young and the retired.
We all wish to be happy at some point in our lives. Until then, we are overworked, overstressed, and dissatisfied. The dream does not seem to be achievable without a lottery win or a phone call from a rich uncle in bad health. But what value is life if we aren’t happy with it?
The good news is that you can start adding happiness to your life right now. A few serotonin-producing behaviors can reduce stress and make the wait for Utopia easier to bearable.
3. Saying “No”
It is our inherent need as humans to feel accepted, valued, and liked. It’s as simple as not taking up more than your plate can hold. Doing so would simply make you too busy to enjoy life. And it is always the little things that you miss the most when you become too caught with your schedule. For example, walking your dog or playing a favorite game with your family, or even something as simple as sitting on your balcony with a cup of hot tea or a beverage of your choice! One easy way to find joy is to note that joy isn’t a constant state but rather a series of small bursts that make life worthwhile.
4. The 30-second hack
According to Psychology Today, in a nutshell, it explains the best way to sprinkle happiness through your day by doing the most simple thing- being thankful. Be thankful for a roof over your head, food on your plate, a 9-6 job that helps get the food to the table, and family and friends who get up every day. Life is short, and having them by your side for another day, whether digitally or in reality, is a blessing. There has also been significant research into how your posture can affect your level of happiness. Another simple way to achieve joy is to take the time to list the things that make you enjoy yourself the most. You are the ultimate example of joy.
According to one study, being thankful can positively impact your overall health.
5. Get in a joyful state of mind
The happiest life we can pray for is one filled with laughter. It’s the kind of life that makes us feel good and inspires us to have high expectations for the future. Pure joy can seem to be a fleeting emotion. But even if you just feel it for a moment in time, you can hold on to it. You can enjoy it.
6. Align your priorities
It is not everyone’s privilege to be able to say no to a job that is mentally taxing but pays well. However, aligning your goals will help you align things well enough to know what needs the most attention at this point in your life and connect with what matters in life right now.
Making sure your goals align with your core values not only helps you to fly through less friction but also helps you to find joy! Get out of your job if you don’t see yourself in it, and it still occupies a huge portion of your time.
7. Appreciate the small thing
We all have them: little moments or incidents that go unnoticed or unappreciated because we ignore them as pointless or take them for granted because we live in a world where big achievements are celebrated. But what if we made it a point to appreciate and enjoy the little things in life? As we wait for the big thing that we hope will bring us inner happiness, contentment, or pleasure, real life goes on all around us. The reality is that it is often the little things that matter the most.
8. Surround yourself with positive people
One common mistake people make is failing to recognize that happiness is a personalized choice. However, every decision we make is influenced by the people in our lives. You will dramatically increase your chances of happiness and achievement by changing your life influencers for the better.
According to some studies, positive social connection is the best predictor of long-term happiness. Welcoming a positive new influencer into your life can be one of the most important choices you can make for your joy.
9. Work, but with purpose
Sure, they say that following your dreams makes work easier, but it doesn’t. Working for your dream forces you to work harder to achieve it, which can be toxic at times. Your mantra should be to keep yourself grounded by reminding yourself that your ultimate goal cannot be achieved until you take care of yourself. Changing your work wallpaper to something or someone you care for will help remind you that you need to take care of yourself for them, at least.
10. Laugh more
Breaking news: Laughing makes you happy. Maybe this isn’t so surprising. But think of the last time you laughed—chances are, it was a long time ago. We adults don’t laugh as much as we used to because we’re preoccupied with our adult responsibilities.
We should, though! Laughing has been shown to relieve stress, boost immunity, increase blood flow, and strengthen relationships.
The Bottom Line
Most people neglect their mental health in their search to be successful and rise above the competition. It is important to take time out of your day to unwind and unplug. Some people find joy in a busy life, which is fine as long as they are emotionally healthy. But when it becomes an act to help avoid dealing with the background noise, it becomes toxic.