Since Marijuana’s ban and stereotype in the United States and the rest of the world, some facts about this plant have remained hidden or unexplored. As of 2015, several countries in the world, including some states in the US, have legalized marijuana usage for medical purposes. Usage of marijuana in small doses is not criminal in some European Countries as well. In the United States, four states allow the legal usage of marijuana for recreational purposes. Those are Alaska, Colorado, Washington, and Oregon. And then, there are 24 states where medical usage of marijuana is legal. So that being said, let’s dig deep into the unknown facts about Marijuana that make it a special recreational and healthy medicine.
1). Marijuana was the first commodity to be available to sell online
You might think the origins of online shopping might be in fashion or some other fast-moving good. But interestingly, the first e-commerce transaction was the sale of weed, done by Stanford students back in 1971! But some people may dispute that this one doesn’t count as the Internet was just used to arrange the meeting and not the actual purchase.
2). Marijuana makes fiber.
First and foremost, we must make a distinction between hemp and cannabis. In simplest terms, hemp is the cannabis that contains little to no psychoactive compounds that are regularly found in cannabis plants. Hemp plants have long been used in the industry, especially for fabric, rope, and paper. In the latest years, we also see the medical usage of hemp oil for treating diseases. Due to the hemp plants’ fibrous nature, the compound has been used as fiber for clothing for many years. But there are still controversies, similar in the way as the medical use of marijuana.
3). Shakespeare is believed to have gotten his creativity with the help of Marijuana
People claim marijuana boosts creativity, and it might just be true. Several of William Shakespeare’s pipe fragments tested positive for marijuana residue. While this still doesn’t confirm that he loved Marijuana, it shows that marijuana helps with creativity.
In a review, Researchers suggested that Shakespeare preferred cannabis as a “stimulant which had mind-stimulating properties. In fact, Shakespeare’s Sonnet 76 may contain some references to drug use. So, throughout its lines, Shakespeare refers to keeping invention in a “noted weed” and to “new-found methods and compounds strange.”
4). Marijuana could be a cure for cancer.
A cannabis-derived compound forces cancer cells to freeze and prevents them from spreading. This is one of the unknown facts about Marijuana that needs to come to the limelight so that people can know that Marijuana is not just the worst thing that might have happened but probably the best.
5). Marijuana and Beer are from the same family.
Marijuana plants are from the same flowering plants as bear hops. Hops and marijuana are two closely related species in the Cannabaceae family. Like marijuana or hemp, hops stems are fibrous, and both plants contain terpenes, such as myrcene and beta-pinene. Unlike marijuana, there are no cannabinoids in hops (though the plant does contain the essential oils and bitter resins that give beer its trademark flavor).
6). Icelanders are the most Marijuana smokers.
Your temptation may increase to think Jamaica or Netherlands may have the highest population percentage consuming marijuana, but it’s Iceland, with almost 18 % of its population reportedly using Marijuana.
7). Marijuana’s ancient history.
A common misconception is that the hippie generation discovered marijuana. The reality, as you might think, is quite different. The origins of marijuana are a bit murky, but some believe that the oldest reference dates back to 2727 B.C., in a time Shen Nung, a Chinese Emperor, used it for medical purposes.
The one problem with that theory is that Shen Nung was not the first emperor of China. Evidence shows that the first Emperor of China was Qin Shi Huang, who unified the country in 260 B.C., much later than Shen Nung’s existence. However, Chinese history deserves some recognition, as marijuana in ancient Taiwan was a part of pottery decoration.
8). Marijuana used to be a patriotic gesture.
One of the unknown facts about Marijuana is that it was planted as an act of patriotism. Speaking of hemp, in the early years of America, when the country had just 13 colonies, growing hemp was considered a patriotic duty. There was even a law in 1619 that DEMANDED farmers to grow hemp.
Back then, people made clothing, sails, ropes, and much more with hemp. Even founding fathers Thomas Jefferson and George Washington owned hemp farms. The flag that Betsy Ross sewed, that first American flag, was also made of hemp. So, one of the drafts of the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper by Jefferson.
9). Synthetic Marijuana.
The existence of synthetic Marijuana is an unknown fact about Marijuana. Many tried to develop synthetic Marijuana to no avail. The best successful attempt was from the US army in 1949; it was called “dimethyl heptyl pyran.” This synthetic Marijuana is very potent; it can last for more than three days.
10). Marijuana reduces the IQ of teenagers.
Studies show that teenagers who take Marijuana from the onset of their teenage can have reduced IQ. This doesn’t occur in Adults as mostly speculated by people; it is mostly an unknown fact about Marijuana.
11). Marijuana is safer and less addictive compared to other drugs.
You might not want to hear this but smoking cigarettes is more harmful to the body than Marijuana. There are other means by which Marijuana can be taken without smoking. Studies have shown that Cigarettes and coffee are more addictive compared to Marijuana.
12). Marijuana poses a more significant threat to the environment.
As much as it has many health benefits, growing weed indoors can be harmful to the environment. Lots of CO2 are released into the atmosphere in the process.
13). Chocolate has the same high effects as Marijuana.
Studies have shown that chocolate and weed might have the same high effects when taken in excess. Shocking right?
14). Marijuana used to be legal in India.
India planter and smoked Marijuana in India until 1985 due to the pressure from the United States. Shockingly, some parts of the United States have legalized it, but it’s still banned in India.
15). There are numerous street names for Marijuana all over the world.
Marijuana is used all over the world, and people have developed lots of street names for it. Some of the interesting names for marijuana include Mary Jane, bud, Buddha, cheeba, hydro, Purple Haze, Maui Wowie, herb, and so on. And that is on top of some of the common names such as grass, weed, ganja, and pot.