COVID 19 vaccination is currently going on in different parts of the world. Many have taken the complete dose; some are still waiting in line. You must be feeling so great now that you have been vaccinated. But you need to be sure if you can take Cannabis or CBD after your shot. There are a few types of research that you need to know about taking the COVID-19 vaccine while using CBD products.
What to know about taking Cannabis as a whole before vaccination.
If you use cannabis, the COVID-19 vaccine is safe for you.
When it’s time for your appointment though, we recommend that you are not high. This is not because of a vaccine safety concern (that marijuana interferes with the vaccine) but because the healthcare provider needs your informed consent before giving vaccines. Marijuana may impair (lessen) your ability to fully understand the health information and ask questions.
COVID 19 Vaccine and CBD products.
Since COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, caution is advised. The research that’s out there suggests it’s a good idea to wait a few days after your shot to begin indulging – at least until the swelling in your arm is gone. Also, it will take a few days for any side effects from the vaccine (flu-like symptoms, for example) to subside.
If you’re a medical marijuana user and require cannabis or CBD products for a condition, then the situation is more complicated. Here edibles are an option for some, but not others who rely on the immediate psychoactive punch delivered by smoking to help with pain relief and other conditions. Over-the-counter pain killers containing ibuprofen and acetaminophen are another option for med-pot patients in the short term.
If you happen to be over 65 or have an underlying medical condition, other considerations come into play, since the older you are the more susceptible you are to the effects of the virus. Coincidentally, People over 65 also happen to be the largest growing age group among CBD users and most of those are using it for various conditions.
Most medical experts agree that smoking, in general, may reduce the vaccine’s effectiveness against the virus.
But there hasn’t been enough written on the subject of cannabis to know to what extent weed may hinder vaccine protection against the virus.
There’s some research to indicate CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties may provide a layer of protection against the virus, similar to how cannabis helps alleviate the symptoms of some forms of cancer.
A study published in January by the National Center for Biotechnology Information in the U.S., for example, indicates that THC and CBD may help “down-regulate” the “cytokine storm,” the severe and acute inflammation that overwhelms the respiratory pathways in the lungs in serious cases of COVID-19.
In that research, three of seven Sativa extracts tested caused “profound and concerted down-regulation of… other cytokines and pathways related to inflammation and fibrosis.” But one of the tested extracts had an effect “that may be deleterious, signifying that careful cannabis cultivar selection must be based on thorough pre-clinical studies.”
The findings are based on modeling and studies performed on mice.
Will smoking CBD products after receiving a vaccine reduce its effectiveness against the disease?
There hasn’t been much written on the subject and even less on edibles. Some published reports suggest there’s anecdotal evidence that smokers are less susceptible to COVID-19. These are for reasons that are not yet known.
The Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Addiction, the federal government advisory body on substance use, advises CBD patients against smoking. In a paper published shortly after the onset of the virus in Canada last year, the CCSA states that “there is no scientific evidence that demonstrates the benefits of either THC or CBD in preventing or treating COVID-19. On the contrary, the evidence shows that inhaling cannabis smoke, as with smoke from other sources such as tobacco, can have negative effects on the respiratory system.”
The CCSA points to one study evaluating risk factors in 78 cases of COVID-19. They found patients who smoke were 14 times more likely to develop respiratory complications. This is from a virus, such as pneumonia.
The same CCSA advice applies to vaping. It is a less harmful way to ingest CBD. This is because you’re not inhaling the same number of carcinogens as by smoking. The issue there is the vitamin E in use in CBD oil products. Heating the substance “can produce carcinogenic alkenes.”
The CCSA says THC from cannabis, in general, can “inhibit” the body’s immune response to COVID-19. According to pre-clinical trials in rodents and monkeys “THC can suppress the ability of immune system cells and immune messengers. This is to modulate an adequate immune response against foreign pathogens such as viruses.
The pandemic has been gangbusters for CBD sales. People are indulging more than ever.
CBD is having a big impact – a positive one – on the mental health of people. But as with many issues involving the coronavirus, the science continues to evolve.
Seven things to remember about COVID-19 and CBD
- Do not share joints, vaping devices, or bongs.
- Wash your hands before putting CBD products in your mouth.
- If possible, limit your CBD use to once a week.
- Avoid inhaling deeply and holding your breath when smoking or vaping.
- It’s a good idea to ensure your CBD products are from licensed and regulated producers.
- Use products that contain no more than 3 percent THC.
- Consult your health care provider if you are using CBD for medical purposes or with other medications.