CBD usage and deciding on its serving size can be one of the most exhilarating moments of your life. It fixes many flaws in our internal body system and health complications without causing any side effects or intoxication. A healthy body and mind lead to a healthy lifestyle. CBD or cannabidiol has exploded in popularity of late, attracting people from all strata of society. Youth are especially enthusiastic towards CBD, and due to the information explosion on the internet, equally confused too.
Among all, there’s one question that’s on top of everyone’s mind — how much CBD does is too much? This is a matter of intrigue not only for newbies but for experienced users too as no one knows the right answer. This is made worse by the Food and Drug Regulating Authority (FDA), the official drug regulating agency of the US government, as it does not recommend a specific dose/size for CBD serving. So, even though the US government officially acknowledges CBD production via Farm Bill, 2018, no official serving size has been fixed for CBD. This has given rise to self-proclaimed experts recommending doses based on their formulas. In this article, we’ll tell you ways in which you can decide on the correct dose regimen for yourself.
Let’s dive in!
Role Of CBD
Cannabidiol is mostly extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant or more commonly known as the hemp plant, for commercial purposes. The reason that CBD is famous is that it does not cause high or intoxication. Many countries have softened their stance around marijuana for recreational and medical purposes, and if you live in one such state or country, including in the US, you may be seeing a host of CBD-based products around you.
CBD has become an integral part of many people’s lives because of its non-addictive properties; it’s widely accepted. Every CBD flower contains over 500 different cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. While cannabinoids produce different reactions, terpenes are responsible for “aroma” and flavonoids act as “antioxidants”. CBD comes loaded with medical benefits. It can be used in all forms — oil, creams, gummies, eatables, tinctures, and whatnot. Many full-spectrum CBD oils contain THC traces to give you enhanced medical benefits without causing intoxication.
So, What’s A Perfect Dosage?
There’s no way to tell exactly how a perfect dosage can be decided. But, some key factors like the potency of CBD product, your overall body weight, body chemistry, and severity of the condition being treated are some of the prime factors that decide the dosage. On top of all, the dosage regimen will keep on varying throughout your life. The physiology of our body keeps on changing constantly. The endocannabinoid system in our body also changes with time. The ECS system, along with the physiology of our body, will force you to think about changing dosage as your body will demand it. The idea is to use natural and 100 percent original substances, follow the CBD dose size regimen religiously and notice the effects. Keep on increasing or decreasing the dosage till you strike a perfect balance.

How To Find Your Cbd ‘Sweet Spot’?
Are you a lean person or with a flab? The former will require less CBD to experience the desired effect while the latter will need more cannabidiol. Some experts also suggest taking 1-6MG of CBD for every 10 pounds of body weight. For a person with 150lb weight, 15MG-25MG may be the right size of CBD serving, while if you weigh 200 lb, the dosage can go up to 20-33MG. The next trick is to start small and keep on increasing the dose till you find the right balance between the dosage and your body’s ability to handle it.
Don’t go behind the dosage suggested by your friend or colleague. It may never be right for you since all individuals have different physical biology. Thirdly, go and consult a health expert, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition. If you are allergic, ask if it’s a good idea to use CBD products. Your doctor knows everything about your body and you’ll receive the best advice from the health expert only. The dosage can also depend upon the form in which CBD is being consumed. CBD comes in many shapes and forms now — oils, creams, sprays, among others — and the outcome will vary as per your choice of the CBD form.
Regular Monitoring Of Changes
Measuring CBD intake and taking note of the physical and mental changes and modifications is important. Many people also lose track after starting on a good note. If you are feeling too lazy to note down the dose regimen every day, you can take weekly notes by keeping the dose regimen the same for a whole week. However, experts recommend taking notes about the quantity, product, and visible changes daily.
If you have a habit of forgetting about things, you can set an alarm clock or ask your reliable friend or partner to remind you about taking notes every day. You should also not ignore symptoms like fatigue, stress, and soreness. As far as timing is concerned, CBD consumption timing can also vary depending upon your problem. For example, if you have insomnia, you’ll take CBD before sleep. But if you feel body ache or chronic pain, you can take it in the morning or afternoon.
The Conclusion
CBD consumption experience could be quite overwhelming for new users, considering the hype around it. For a start, you can even go with product description; most companies mention how much you should be consuming. However, if it’s not given, take note of the total amount of CBD by calculating per serving. Still confused? Forget about everything and take the minimum possible CBD shot and see the impact.
Gradually keep on increasing till you feel the maximum impact and then stick to it unless you feel there’s a need to increase or decrease it. On top of everything, you need to note that anecdotally speaking, unwanted side-effects of CBD overuse have not been reported yet. Some issues like fatigue or stomach ache have been experienced by some users who take large CBD doses but that’s also not the case for everyone. So the mantra to crack the CBD dosage mystery is: start small and go up slowly.