Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Deficiency (ADHD), although getting more attention and press in recent years, it has been medically diagnosed for over 100 years by doctors. According to a study in 2018, ADHD affects approximately 9.4 percent of children and 2.5 percent of adults worldwide.
What Is ADHD?
ADHD stands for Attention-deficit hyperactivity syndrome; it is a medical condition/mental disorder usually discovered in growing children, while still in their developing years. Its major symptoms are:
- Hyperactivity: This is the presence of unusual energy even for a child, restlessness, inability to stay still for even a moment.
- Impulsiveness: They are usually impulsive and rash, making decisions and acting before putting any thought into it.
- Inattention: They do not possess the ability to focus on a task for any length of time, especially if there is a lack of vested interest.
How Can ADHD Be Treated?
- Behavior therapy: Seeing a professional therapist that majors in children help manage the condition. They soon learn to adapt emotionally and develop their planning and social skills.
- Parental coaching: Parents and caregivers play a significant role in managing the child’s ADHD as they will have to learn to respond appropriately to their offspring’s behaviors.
- Teacher support: Teachers and educators will also have to adapt to the child’s mannerisms and learn to maneuver around them.
- Medication: Usually seen as a last resort, prescribed drugs are also used to treat and manage ADHD to help the child slow down and pay attention.

10 Things You Didn’t Know
ADHD has seen more attention in recent years, but there are still some misconceptions about the disorder and its patients. Here are ten more things you don’t know about ADHD
#1 Genetics matter, but there is no ADHD gene
Although genes matter, there is no sufficient evidence to prove that ADHD genes exist specifically. A whole host of separate genes combine even to bear the risk of having ADHD. This is why there isn’t a test for ADHD as the specific cause is yet to be discovered; however, several factors like environment, diet, and other factors play roles in leading to this mental disorder.
#2 ADHD is not caused by diet or poor parenting
People tend to assume that a child’s nonchalance or restlessness is a direct result of bad parenting techniques or plain too much junk food. Although proper diet could help manage ADHD, additives, and processed sugars have shown no signs of exacerbating the issue.
No research supports the idea of poor parenting as a cause as ADHD patients can be tasking to handle. They sometimes do not possess the emotional skills to communicate properly due to their medical condition.
#3 Some children grow out of condition, and some don’t
Just like any medical condition, ADHD tends to manifest itself and progress in different rates and manners. Some children get better with time and proper nurturing and understanding, while others, despite every measure taken, still exhibit the disorder’s behavior and symptoms.
For those who still retain the symptoms, proper management and support could help them live everyday lives.
#4 ADHD patients suffer from short term memory syndrome
Both children and adults who display symptoms of ADHD, usually besides, struggle with STM. They don’t normally have problems getting in touch with their childhood or their first pet’s name. But events that occurred recently and sometimes even momentarily could be forgotten in a flash.
Alarm reminders and diaries are good helping tools to procure to assist them.
#5 They have a short and emotionally driven attention span
ADHD patients do not necessarily have problems paying attention per se; they just struggle with focusing on something they have no interest in. But when it involves something they enjoy doing and have passion for, they tend to overdo it.
Activities like watching football, playing video games, or musical instruments usually pique their interest. This mode of hyper-focusing on specific actions lead to mastery as they tend to be obsessive users.
#6 People who have ADHD are not lazy
They usually have issues with doing simple tedious tasks like filling out paperwork or reading for an exam at work or school. ADHD patients crave stimulation and excitement that normal day-to-day mundane activities just cannot provide. This, in turn, makes them sometimes skip class, miss an assignment submission, or not submit in a report on time. Keeping up with a conversation is also a battle for them as they are easily distracted by oversensitive senses.
#7 ADHD has no connection to intelligence
People from different occupations and all walks of life struggle with ADHD. Just as nature intended, there are smart people with ADHD and ADHD patients with leading disabilities like dyslexia. It has nothing to do with their medical condition. There are several other factors to be considered.
#8 Diagnosis of ADHD doesn’t mean there is a need for medication
When the disorder is first diagnosed, the child’s parents or caregivers are taught different handling situations and shown ways of manipulating their environment t to suit the patient’s needs. When all measures have been taken and are out of options, that is usually when medication is prescribed.
#9 There is no type of ADHD
Individuals differ in characteristics and behavior; they have their weaknesses and strengths. This, therefore, means they handle ADHD in different ways. Some are outgoing and extroverted are not dependable, while another could be introverted and reclusive but working a stable 9-5 job with no qualms.
#10 They can have successful and wholesome relationships
People with mental disorders can still have fruitful and mutually beneficial relationships with spouses, children, friends, and family. All it takes is some patience and loving support from those around him/her nurturing and understanding their condition.
Even if they tend to zone out in essential conversations and forget useful information, it doesn’t mean they don’t love. They can still show care in other ways.

ADHD patients don’t need pity; they require patience and a little understanding to have a smooth rapport. When they find something, they have a passion for an endeavor to aid them in their pursuit, as that is the only way they can gain any sort of tunnel focus.
Remember, just because they forgot your birthday doesn’t mean they don’t care, provide a reminder system to help keep things in check.