Obesity can be understood precisely by the fact that why some people become obese whilst others don’t even when they have similar lifestyles. One school of thought suggests it’s because people utilize or burn calories differently. For many, being overweight begins in childhood and extends into adulthood.
Obesity was classified as a disease by the American Medical Association in 2013 and is treated as such by the medical profession. The development and success of Bariatric Surgery are a testament to how serious it is studied and the desire of the medical profession to help the obese lose weight because this particular patient class cannot do it on their own.
Obesity is the result of eating more calories than you are burning. Here are 5 of the most common behavioral characteristics that can lead to obesity:
When you aren’t active you don’t burn many calories. And if you are one of those who work from home it’s very easy to eat more than you realize. And on top of that, you aren’t doing much exercise then this inactive lifestyle can without a doubt lead you to obesity.
2)Poor Eating Habits
As the saying goes, you are what you eat. If your daily diet includes fast food options for breakfast and lunch, that’s not good. Yes, McDonald’s does have healthy options but very few of us actually order them.
In order to eat healthily and prevent obesity, you will need to cook more and eat out less. Focus on getting lots of fresh fruits and veggies in your diet. Gradually, aim to eliminate or at least reduce your fast food consumption. By ‘gradually’ means start to limit consumption to two or three times a week.
3)Lack Of Sleep
Most people have no idea how important it is to get enough sleep every single night. When you are asleep, your body repairs itself. And, when you don’t get enough sleep, you’re making yourself vulnerable to problems such as hormone imbalances and this may lead to an increase in appetite. Both factors can lead to you eating more and becoming obese.
4)Certain Medications
There are certain medications that can cause you to gain weight and develop obesity. Some of the most common examples include anti-seizure medications, corticosteroids, beta-blockers, anti-depressants, and diabetes medications to name a few. One way to combat this problem is through diet and exercise. Try to eat clean when possible. You should also try to exercise for at least 4 hours every week.
5)Health Issues
If you suffer from certain health issues, it may lead to you gaining quite a bit of weight. Diseases such as Cushing’s syndrome or Arthritis can cause weight gain. It is not because of the condition itself but because such diseases can make it difficult for you to be active. You become less active and therefore start to gain weight which can lead to obesity.
Bear in mind that low metabolism is not likely to lead to obesity neither a low thyroid function. If you have a medical issue and you notice you are starting to gain weight, speak with your physician. Find out if it’s the condition or the medications being used to treat the condition. You should also discuss with him/her what can be done to prevent a substantial amount of weight gain.
One of the ways to combat obesity is to eat healthy also referred to as eating a ‘clean’ and well-balanced diet on a regular basis. The key is to be consistent. No, you don’t have to eat healthy every day but you should try to do so at least 3-4 times a week.