Some people sometimes joke that men take better care of their cars than their health. According to the Men’s Health Network, causes leading to a decline in men’s health are:
- Lack of awareness
- Inadequate health education
- Poor work habits
- A lack of personal lifestyle
- A tendency not to seek help
The three most common lifestyle habits that lead to men’s bad health are smoking, drinking, and eating. Fortunately, these habits can be modified. This prevents or reduces the incidence of many of the top 5 health problems for men.
Understanding Men’s Health
In general, the disease does not discriminate. Both men and women are exposed to many of the same diseases. However, anatomical or hormonal variations between the sexes may lead to different consequences or even cause problems specifically for men or women. Let’s take a closer look at common health problems that men can experience and overcome.
1. Prostate cancer
After a certain type of skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men.
Prostate cancer causes irregular cells to grow within the prostate gland. These cells develop and spread, creating a tumor.
know the signs and symptoms
Symptoms of prostate cancer usually do not appear until the cancer has become very large. When this occurs, the symptoms can include:
- Having a regular and sudden need to urinate
- Discomfort in urinating
- Find blood in the urine or sperm
- Pain in the upper thighs, hips, or lower back
These signs alone do not mean that you have prostate cancer. It may only be that you have an enlarged prostate (or benign prostatic hyperplasia).
Treatment choices vary widely based on different factors, including the disease’s stage, type, and progression.
- Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is most commonly recommended in patients with chronic or advanced prostate cancer.
- Hormonal treatment: Hormone therapy can be used to stop testosterone from boosting tumor development.
- Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy can be used on its own or in combination with other therapies, such as radiation therapy and hormone therapy.
- Radiotherapy: Radiation therapy options, such as brachytherapy, external beam radiation therapy, and stereotactic radiotherapy, can choose certain patients.
- Surgery: Surgical procedures for prostate cancer are designed to remove the tumor by either open surgery or robotic surgery.
2. Heart Health
While heart disease can affect anyone, it is more frequent in older people. According to the National Center for Aging, men over 65 years of age are most likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke, or heart disease. All of which can cause problems with movement and limit activity.
If you feel any pain in your chest, call your doctor immediately.
Early symptoms may include
- Pain, numbness, or tingling in your arms, shoulders, neck, jaw, or back
- Breathing shortness during activity
- Shortness of breath while lying down or resting
- Chest pain after physical activity
- Headaches
- Cold sweats
- Dizziness
- Nausea or vomiting
- Fatigue
- Physical activity,
- Quitting smoking,
- Heart-healthy diet,
- Managing stress,
- Reduction in alcohol intake,
- Blood pressure control is the way you can keep your heart healthy.
3. Depression and Suicide
According to the Center for Suicide Prevention, older adults have the highest suicide rate, especially males. When you or someone you know has thoughts of suicide, call the nearest support line, they’re there to help.
Warning signals
- Lack of interest in a hobby or activity previously enjoyed;
- Detach from friends or relatives
- Statements of desperation or of being a burden
Signs for immediate action: call your local helpline
- Trying to kill or harm themselves;
- Writing about killing or injuring themselves
- Looking for ways to injure or harm themselves
Mental health issues for men may take different forms than women’s mental health treatment. Men are expected to be much less frequent than women due to social pressure and are more likely to seek self-medication by substance abuse. This only exacerbates the problem and leads to the deterioration of mental health. Individuals suffering from psychiatric disorders should recognize that like any other area of the body, the brain is also an organ and often needs therapy or care.
- Good mental and physical wellbeing practices;
- A balanced diet;
- Positive relations,
- Mutual support;
- And active hobbies are some things that older people should do to remain mentally fit.
There is no shame in having professional treatment to treat your body.
4. Diabetes
Diabetes presents a unique set of complications for men, including reduced testosterone levels, leading to a higher risk of sexual impotence and depression and anxiety. Untreated diabetes also leads to heart disease, nervous and kidney damage, and eye disorders.
Diabetes rates have risen dramatically in all nations. 32 million children and adults—10.5% of the population—have diabetes in the United States.
Usually, the risk of type 2 diabetes rises with age. In the absence of risks, research should start after age 45. Among the guys, one of the largest jumps in type 2 diabetes.
Diagnosis of diabetes is not the end of the universe. In some cases, lifestyle changes will keep the disease fully under control. Even many men with diabetes continue to take oral drugs that lower blood sugar levels to maintain their health. When they’re not enough to do the job, Insulin(which is inhaled or injected) may be required, sometimes in combination with oral medication. The FDA has approved several new medications that work in combination with Insulin to enhance blood sugar management.
However, though treatment has improved, diabetes management remains a challenge, which is why experts stress prevention.
5. Skin Cancer
According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, men 50 years of age and older are at higher risk of developing skin cancer – more than twice as frequently as women. This higher risk is mostly related to more frequent exposure to the sun and fewer visits to the hospital.
About 4,740 men will die from melanoma in 2019 compared to 2,490 women. For men, this means a rate of 3.7 for every 100,000 melanoma diagnoses. Mortality rates are highest for white males.
Although prevention is much better than cure, there is one aspect where men and women are equal. Typical areas of the affected body may be different, but diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer essentially the same.
There may be situations in which treatments such as creams, light therapy, immunotherapy, or chemotherapy may be used. However, surgical removal is the primary cure for most skin cancers.
Techniques have advanced to ensure better cure rates and reduce downtime to avoid cosmetic damage, such as Mohs surgery. The majority of skin cancer surgery is done under local anesthetics.
The Bottom Line
It would help if you sailed through life without too many health issues. Take responsibility for general health conditions and pay importance to the body and mind to be on the healthy side to live long. Speak to your doctor about your disease risk factors, particularly those that could exist in your family, and figure out how to reduce those risks. Lead by example and make healthy habits and health checks part of the routine.