Finding the purpose of your spiritual wellness is really about discovering the meaning of life and more about being your best self as you go through life. Many different paths can lead you to your higher purpose in life. These include meditation and prayer, personal reflection, and spiritual wellness practice.
Seeking the purpose of your spiritual wellness is a reward in and of itself. According to research published in Psychology Today, spiritual people have several positive attributes. This includes being gracious and compassionate, as well as working for self-actualization. They also take the time to savor life and flourish in personal relationships, self-esteem, and life meaning.
If you are looking for your spiritual wellness, there are several paths you may take. However, the first step in discovering the purpose of your spiritual wellness in life is to understand what you are looking for.
What is spiritual wellness?
Spiritual wellness is defined broadly as the search for the meaning and purpose of one’s life. A spiritually balanced person has a clear life goal and can focus on the meaning of events. They also have well-defined ideas about what is right and wrong and can behave accordingly. Some people follow particular religious practices. Others seek a general sense of harmony and self-awareness. Maintaining good health is important to age well.
What is the purpose of your spiritual wellness?
Spiritual health serves many purposes. Spiritual wellness not only heals our minds but also improves our bodies.
Spirituality has the ability to enhance one’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Also, it provides meaning to your life. Stress is best handled by those who are more religious or spiritual. This is not surprising given that spirituality, in its various forms, has been a source of comfort and stress relief for thousands of years.
So here are some of the purposes of your spiritual wellness:
1. Stronger Immune System
Our body is an intelligent system that can heal itself. However, a variety of factors can block the flow of healing, resulting in an imbalance. Spiritual activities like meditation or mindfulness have the power to activate the body’s healing ability. It encourages a state of calm in both the body and the mind.
A research found that HIV-positive patients who meditated slowed their immune cell count. Another research discovered that mindfulness meditation induces demonstrable effects on the brain and immune function. It suggested that meditation would improve brain and immune function.
2. Healing body from inside and outside
To achieve inner peace, you may indulge in spiritual practices. These include meditation or chant religious mantras. Meditation harmonizes the mind and body. It helps to relieve heart strain and lowers blood pressure. But apart from that, meditation can trigger the body’s healing abilities.
The purpose of your spiritual wellness practices is to help people focus on their true selves. It is all about inner self-exploration. And when you’re on the path to inner peace, you’re promoting external healing. Your positive attitude and strong faith in a higher power help you cope with any sort of illness.
3. Lowering the Risk of Depression
Spirituality encourages exploring the inner world. It connects you to yourself and others around you on a deeper and more meaningful level. A strong desire to communicate with others is important for supporting mental health. Your body and mind are closely connected. Spiritual activities can help create strength and alleviate the symptoms of depression or other mental illnesses. This can impact physical well-being.
Living with a chronic disease, pain, or disability is stressful and often results in depression. Spirituality can help in the treatment of illness-related stress. In a 100-person study at the University of Alabama Medical Center in Birmingham, 95 percent of patients who were about to undergo cardiac surgery reported that they were using prayer. And 70 percent found it very beneficial in dealing with the difficulties of surgery.
4. Stress Reduction
Stress is a normal part of life. But it can cause health problems when it becomes chronic. Many studies have been conducted on meditation and its various stress-reduction impact.
Spiritual activities such as yoga and meditation can help relieve stress and promote positivity. It’s easy to get caught up in the search for a clear answer that will solve all of your problems. The reality is that eating nutritious food, physical activity, therapy, and, of course, spirituality all work together to help you live a good and healthier life.
Research conducted at a Chopra Center event discovered that new meditators reported significant reductions in stress and depressive symptoms that lasted 10 months after a six-day meditation retreat. Meditation is one of the most simple and effective spiritual tools to incorporate into daily life.
5. Lowering Blood Pressure
When you are stressed, your body responds with a flood of hormones designed to help you fight off the situation causing such a disturbance. The body raises blood pressure (BP) by making the heart pump faster and narrowing the blood vessels. Repeated stress and blood pressure elevations can lead to hypertension over time.
A spiritual activity can be an excellent supplement to any form of blood pressure treatment. This is because it helps heal the physical body and strengthens the mental and emotional bodies. It’s easy to find a magic pill that will cure all chronic illnesses and health issues. However, to achieve complete healing, you must examine the physical symptoms. Also, you have to accept the mental and emotional aspects. The source of stress is often found deep inside the realms of your inner space. Spirituality helps you in accessing the pure space within where your truth resides.
This research shows the ability of Transcendental Meditation to lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. When you meditate, the body and mind gradually return to a state of calmness. This is the ideal environment for healing.
6. Better Sleep
Many people have a problem getting enough restful sleep, even though it is important for good health. Chronic sleep problems can be the result of poor lifestyle choices or behaviors.
Trauma, major life events, and changes can trigger a stress response, which can interfere with sleep. Whatever the cause, measures should be taken to help in restoring the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle pattern.
Meditation practices usually result in better sleep as they begin to calm the turbulence within. Healing occurs on a mental and emotional level. This means you no longer bring this baggage to bed with you. Ideally, traumatic experiences from the day are processed and released healthily through spiritual activities such as journaling, exercise, meditation, yoga, or prayer.
7. Expressing gratitude
When performing in any spiritual practice, such as meditation, try to do so in open spaces. Spaces that enable you to spend time with nature. Finally, keep in mind that spiritual development is about giving and sharing. As a result, never be afraid to invite a friend or host a support group. Use this opportunity to inspire others to develop a deep spiritual connection, to help them tame their monkey minds, and to recommend ways to reduce stress and anxiety.
The Bottom Line
Your spiritual health is important to your overall health. Prayer, meditation, and mindfulness are spiritual activities that make us feel better and often even heal faster. Also, they help us become better people.