The CBD craze is sweeping the world.
Canada’s having the best post-cannabis-legalization time. Many US states have greenlit several cannabis products for commercialization, including tinctures, oils, and edibles. Cannabis sales have hit record highs in Europe. Reddit forums and Facebook groups have entire communities dedicated to providing advice surrounding cannabis use, potential benefits, and even dosage. According to one survey, more than 85% of Americans claim that they have heard of CBD. Out of these, more than 20% claim to have used it in one way or another.
If you’ve lost track of Cannabis’s explosive rise to popularity, here’s your chance to catch up.
What is CBD oil? Does it work? How can we use it? Can I use CBD for pain? What about the use of CBD for cancer? Whatever your question is, this article will answer them in complete detail.
Why Is CBD Used?
Anecdotal evidence suggests many potential benefits of CBD usage.
People claim that they have used CBD oil to treat a variety of conditions. Online forums are full of positive experiences from people using it to treat acne and rosacea. Some even claim that CBD oil has helped with more severe diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and cancer. However, there’s no concrete scientific evidence to support these claims.
A study published in Frontiers in Pharmacology cast light on how CBD shares close links with the hypothalamus. Hypothalamus is part of the central nervous system responsible for regulating memory, motor skills, and learning, among other vital functions. Another research published in Annals of palliative Medicine described how CBD could help alleviate chronic pain symptoms.
Despite this growing body of scientific evidence, only one FDA-approved CBD therapy exists as of now. The FDA approved a Cannabis oil-based drug known as Epidiolex in 2017 to treat two Epilepsy forms, which previously had no recognizable treatment. Recent clinical trials showed that children suffering from Dravet syndrome (one type of epileptic disorder) experienced a 50% reduction in seizures with Epidiolex use.
How Does CBD Work?
To cut it short: there’s not much proof right now to back up CBD oil’s potential benefits. Most scientific data we have is a result of animal trials. Until they do human clinical trials, nothing can be said for sure.
But, fortunately, there’s not much scientific evidence to disprove Cannabidiol’s therapeutic utility as well.
Due to certain legal obstacles, cannabis research has stalled. In particular, the US has failed to legalize cannabis oil at the federal level, which has curtailed funding and research grants.
However, researchers are still optimistic about CBD’s future, based on what they’ve observed in animals.

Can I Use CBD for Pain?
If you’re a lab mouse, there’s a pretty good chance low to moderate doses of CBD oil can help alleviate your anxiety.
A 2012 study studied the behavior of mice in close mazes. The subjects were pre-treated with Cannabidiol and exposed to wild snakes. After exposure, CBD-injected mice showed a significant reduction in panic responses, such as escape attempts and urination.
When it comes to humans, the research is scarce. Some studies have highlighted CBD to have anti-anxiety properties in controlled environments. Research published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine peddled CBD oil as a novel treatment for chronic pain management.
Some Preclinical trials have also shown how it can help reduce inflammatory diseases without having any noticeable adverse effects.
A 2017 study demonstrated CBD’s potential neurological protective properties. In this study, it showcased a potent ability to shield nerves and decrease joint inflammation.

Can I Use CBD for Insomnia and Anxiety?
Some evidence exists to support CBD’s role in fighting anxiety. In an experiment, researchers documented anxiety levels and slept quality in 103 participants. First, the patients were administered proven drugs, and later they introduced CBD to analyze the difference.
After the CBD treatment, 72 patients noticed a marked improvement in sleep and anxiety indicators. In 57 participants, anxiety attacks shot down 79.2%. 48 Participants experienced an overall improvement in sleep quality, with some fluctuations. Moreover, most of the patients showed a tremendous tolerance to CBD.

Can I Use CBD for Cancer?
While CBD-cancer research isn’t that extensive, some data suggest that it might help combat cancer. The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology produced findings showing that it could significantly prolong the onset of cancer. Researchers also observed its miraculous ability to stomp down cancer cell production.
Because of CBD’s trace toxicity, it might encourage researchers to study its anti-cancer properties in humans.

Can I Use CBD For Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s?
Many factors are responsible for the temporary or permanent nervous system deterioration, including:
- Genetic disorders
- Autoimmune disorders
- Traumatic shock
- Oxidative stress
Some studies point to its potential application as a neuroprotective agent.
Cannabidiol has shown considerable ability to promote cell growth in the nervous system and reduce neuron damage. Moreover, it has a diverse set of therapeutic properties, making it an excellent treatment for spinal cord and head injuries, strokes, and seizures.
These neuroprotective qualities even extend to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Several studies have shown how CBD can help improve sleep in people who have Parkinson’s. Moreover, research conducted on test-tube babies has demonstrated how it can help slow down the deterioration of the central nervous system caused by Alzheimer’s disease. One thing to keep in mind is that some participants in these studies experienced specific side effects, such as headaches, exhaustion, and fever.

Can I Use CBD For Heart Conditions?
Obesity has normalized cardiovascular diseases. The United States is especially plagued with a cardiovascular pandemic, with about 655,000 US citizens dying of heart disease annually. While exercise, good nutrition, and healthy lifestyle changes help keep heart conditions at bay, it has also emerged as excellent alternative treatment.
A 2017 study showed that CBD could help prevent heart fluctuations by relieving stress. Participants of this study were administered with CBD and placebo, respectively. The former group experienced a noticeable decrease in blood pressure.
According to recent scientific research, it helps to:
- Reduce the risk of clogged arteries
- Prevent processes that subsequently cause heart attacks
- Reduce and stabilize blood pressure
- Reduce blood cholesterol
[…] passes through several critical sites and regulates many important physiological functions. Because CBD can tap into this vast network, research has shown that it can catalyze several crucial reactions […]
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[…] Click here for a full list of all proven health benefits of CBD. […]
[…] the other hand, hemp has trace amounts of THC. This makes it a safer source of CBD, as unlike THC, CBD is not known to cause THC’s negative psychoactive […]
[…] quit heroin. Or else worried about consistent behavioral changes or withdrawal symptoms. Among the plethora of uses of CBD, it’s also found to be useful in reducing cravings. Also, it controls anxiety in heroin […]
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