You’ve probably come across apple cider vinegar in your daily life. Your pantry may even contain a bottle or two. There are a number of health benefits associated with Apple Cider Vinegar. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, was known to use it as a sole remedy for nearly every health problem. Let’s get one thing straight first, Apple cider vinegar (ACV) that looks completely clear, without any organic debris, is not the real thing.
In ACV, the pectin and apple residue that remain after fermentation give the vinegar its brown appearance. This organic vinegar helps fight many diseases and symptoms.
Now let’s have a look at some amazing benefits of ACV:
Internal Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
- Prevents Heartburn
It is known to have properties that alleviate acid reflux and heartburn discomfort. For heartburn prevention, take a spoonful every time you take a meal.
- Helps in Weight Loss
There is no conclusive evidence backing this theory, but many people believe that two to three spoonfuls of ACV, taken before meals, suppresses hunger and contributes to weight loss.
- Diarrhea
ACV contains pectin, which binds to fiber in the body and thus aids in thickening the stool. Also, bacteria in the intestines convert the pectin into a protective later which soothes and fixes diarrhea. Three spoonfuls with a glass of water are the ideal dosage.
- Constipation
Constipation is caused by the lack of fiber in the diet. ACV has pectin, which has a lot of fiber. When consumed (3 spoons plus one glass of water) along with a good intake of fruits and vegetables, it can cure constipation.
- Reduces Cholesterol
Besides helping the body burn fat, ACV also reduces the levels of cholesterol, especially bad cholesterol (LDL).
- Diabetes
Diabetics can benefit from ACV because it helps regulate blood glucose levels. Additionally, ACV has acids that can help in the digestion of food and help absorb nutrients from it.
- Strengthens the Bones
The minerals in ACV, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc., contribute to bone health.
- Cures Sore Throat
Gargling with ACV and water absorbs the infection and germs from your throat, much like a sponge. So, if you have a sore throat, gargle with ACV to relieve it.
- Lowers Blood Pressure
To lower blood pressure, take 1 tbsp of ACV, 1 tbsp of honey along with a glass of water. ACV contains magnesium that helps relax blood vessel walls, while potassium regulates sodium levels in the blood, both of which individually help reduce blood pressure.
- Prevents Muscle Cramps
ACV helps balance the level of calcium and magnesium in the blood, which causes muscle cramps. To prevent regular cramping, take a glass of water with 3 spoons of ACV and a spoon of honey.
- Cures Insomnia
If you have trouble with sleep, mix a spoon of ACV in a cup of honey. Have a spoon of this mixture before going to bed. This will help you sleep better.
External Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
- Good remedy for Burns, Insect Bites, and Bruises
For burns and insect bites, you’ll have to brace yourself and apply pure organic ACV on the fresh burn to let it absorb the nutríents requíred to heal it. For bruises, you can add 1 tsp of salt to half a cup of warm ACV and apply it to the bruise.
- Eliminates Body Odor
For underarm or body odor, wiping them with pure ACV once a day helps reduce the odor-causing bacteria. For foot odor, soak your feet in a mixture of warm water (1 pan) and ACV (1/3 cup) thrice a week.
- Sheds Dandruff
To treat dandruff, apply pure ACV to the scalp, let it stay for half an hour, then wash your hair thoroughly. The bacteria and fungus will be removed and your head won’t itch either.
- Clears Nail infections
If you have an infection on your nails, mix ACV with a cleansing agent like hydrogen peroxide, olive oil, etc., and apply to the area for several days to clear the infection.
- Take home message
Wow! That’s a lot of benefits of apple cider vinegar! Just remember that only vinegar with the mother still in it will benefit you with the symptoms listed above. Be sure to buy authentic ACV and reap its benefits!