There are three types of weed or marijuana strains — Indica, Sativa, and hybrid. All these three strains have different properties and produce distinct effects when consumed. Beyond these three strains or species, cannabis producers divide these strains into further categories. The core of these strains comprise these three weed species only but producers add some terpenes and flavonoids to change their effects. There are over 700 different types of strains, which can generate unique effects. Of these, some are quite popular and high in demand. In this article, we will learn everything you need to know about marijuana strains and how they differ. But first, let’s understand three different species of weed in more detail.
What Is Marijuana?
Marijuana is a plant or herb, which is being produced on earth for thousands of years. Initially, it was used to make clothes but later humans learnt about its medicinal qualities. Apart from being a recreational drug, it is now being used in a lot of areas — from researching chemotherapy to understanding its usage in pain management. The movement to legalise marijuana or weed in western countries is growing. The countries are also amending laws to make it accessible to more number of users. The contemporary research on marijuana has shown promise that it could have many medicinal benefits.
How to Choose a Weed Strain?
It depends on your taste. What kind of effect you are looking for will determine the strain you should buy. Each of the three above-stated main strains causes certain distinct effects but they also come with initial side effects like dry mouth, dizziness, memory loss and in the worst-case scenario paranoia. For instance, indica strain is known to cause a calming effect. Sativa, on the other hand, leads to an energising effect. The hybrid strain produces a mix of these two. That’s why it’s important to decide on the effect before choosing a certain weed strain. A lot will depend on your mood, place and timing.
Types of Weed Strains
Weed strains are the extended versions of three core species — Indica, Sativa, and hybrid. Based on these three score species, the concentration of THC may vary in all weed strains. The top 10 weed strains, as per Leafly, a marijuana strain and product platform, are GG4, Wedding Cake, Runtz, Gelato, Blue Dream, Purple Punch, Ice Cream Cake, GSC, OG Kush, and Sour Diesel.
- GG4: This strain contains 20 percent THC content and it’s a hybrid strain. The weed strain can give three effects at once — relaxed, happy and euphoric.
- Wedding Cake: THC content is 22 percent and it’s also a hybrid strain, with relaxed, ecstatic, and euphoric effects.
- Runtz: This hybrid strains will also leave you relaxed, happy and energised and contains 19 percent THC content.
- Gelato: It will leave a similar effect but the THC content is a little low at 17 percent.
- Blue Dream: This strain with 18 percent THC content, will uplift your mood, and make you happy and calm.
- Purple Punch: THC content is 19 percent, and it’s an Indica strain, which will give a sleepy, relaxed feeling.
- Ice Cream Cake: This strain generates sleepy feelings, with a happy mood. It contains 20 percent THC content.
- GSC: THC content is 19 percent. This hybrid weed strain will make you happy and energised.
- OG Kush: This hybrid weed strain with 18 percent THC will make you happy and relaxed.
- Sour Diesel: THC 18 percent. Feeling: Energised and uplifted. Core strain: Sativa
Legalisation of weed
Weed is not legal all over the world. However, it’s sold and consumed illegally in most parts of the world. Some countries like Canada and Uruguay have completely legalised it but countries like the US and the UK are still moving in the direction towards making it more accessible for medical as well as recreational purposes. The weed proponents and many healthcare professionals, however, believe that regulated consumption of marijuana may not cause any serious health impacts. Instead, it’s used for the treatment of some critical health problems can completely change people’s perception of the herb. Some say marijuana or weed should be regulated like alcohol or tobacco products. After all, research has shown that marijuana may be less dangerous than other legal drugs consumed by people all over the world. Tight regulations around its use can also help promote its positive effects on the human body.

Weed Discourages the Use of Harmful Drugs
Research has shown that weed discourages the use of other harmful drugs like opioids, heroin and cocaine. Around 95 percent of marijuana users are less likely to go for these three very harmful drugs. If the governments work towards legalising it, people will be able to buy it with ease, which will discourage them from getting exposed to stronger drugs. These harder drugs not only cause several physical and mental problems but also make you hooked to them. The opioid users find it hard to quit the bad habit.
Long and Short-Term Effects of Weed
If you are a newbie, you may experience dizziness, sleepiness, lack of attention, or sometimes, huge concentration, vomiting, paranoia, and other cognitive changes. However, all these effects may fade away after a few hours. The effects of using weed for a longer period, or its overuse, can be pretty serious though. With time, you may lose ambition and the feeling of achieving something big or new. You may also develop a lack of judgement, meaning the inability to take decisions on critical matters. Those into substance use may also face problems in their relationships.
The Conclusion
Marijuana can be a fun and recreational drug and effective medicine against key health complications. The only area where we are lacking right now is research, which can happen only if countries allow experts to study its effects and uses more critically. The cannabis or marijuana industry is growing by the day and it has the potential to revolutionize the medical field provided countries think of ways in which it can be incorporated into human lives.