As a part of the ecological cycle, cannabis must utilize innovative means to survive. This means invading pathogens and encourage growth. Luckily, CBG is one of the first cannabinoid compounds produced by cannabis plants. It may be their best defense against bacteria and fungi and it can be said that CBG treats bacterial infections.
Does CBG treat bacterial infections? There is some new research to prove this. This article will explore this research and CBG anti-bacterial properties.
What is CBG?
CBG (Cannabigerol) is a rising star in hemp. It rivals CBD as the next non-psychoactive cannabinoid to dominate the low-THC market. It possesses therapeutic properties and it is the parent cannabinoid for CBD and THC.
As the market begins to understand CBG’s value, the demand is rising. But the supply doesn’t exist yet, which means CBG’s price per kilo is much higher than the cost of CBD
Potential benefits of CBG
Like CBD, CBG cannot get you high. But it can help to relieve you of emotional and physical ailments. CBG can ease symptoms of PTSD and OCD, for example, by combating stress, anxiety, and depression. These are some of the most common reasons that you can take CBG. Along with pain management and inflammation–which CBG also supports.
Initial research indicates that CBG may also treat children’s epilepsy. There is a need for more research. Early studies show that CBG may offer a very similar therapeutic value as CBD.
How does CBG work?
Like other cannabinoids, CBG interacts with chemical receptors in the body. These receptors make up the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The two primary receptors are CB1 and CB2, which are in every system of the human body. CB1 receptors are in the brain and nervous system. While CB2 receptors are more prevalent in the immune system. CBG interacts with these receptors to help regulate a variety of functions. They include pain, appetite, hormones, inflammation, and blood pressure. This process is what defines CBG’s ability to promote healing.
Can CBG treat Bacterial infections?
At this point, you may be asking, “Does CBD/CBG oil kill viruses and bacteria?” but let’s take a moment to slow down before jumping to conclusions. Keep in mind that bacteria and viruses are two different infective agents. CBG and CBD’s antiviral properties are still in the study. And it is clear that they are not well connected to many viral pathologies. But, CBG still shine when their role in bacterial management is under examination.
Global use of prescription antibiotics has led to spreading drug resistance. Bacterial microbes mutate to survive the assault that these powerful medications cause. nature already provides a vast array of gentle antibacterial plant. Their softer qualities do not encourage alarming rates of treatment resistance. All these plant varieties have a large number of antioxidants. Also, a wide assortment of plant compounds. This may support the microbial integrity of our bodies.
New studies are indicating that CBG may help to combat Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). It is a particularly resistant “superbug.” This quality could be comparable to prescription antibiotics used as a last resort. This is without the known side effects of these tricky antibacterial pharmaceuticals. But, with this more compassionate approach to infection, don’t expect to be searching for the perfect herbal CBG dosage for MSRA, any time soon. While research is still on this vital subject. We recommend that you consider addressing your health over an extended period. This is by consistently choosing maintenance doses of antibacterial herbs, spices, and foods.
CBG vs. Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria
Two types of bacteria are useful in this article: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Gram-positives, like MRSA, have a single-layered, but sturdy membrane. The gram-negative bacteria have two membranes. This leads to a more significant challenge in treatment and a higher risk to public health.
CBG truly shines when used against MRSA and other gram-positive bacteria. But it does not have a compelling direct effect on gram-negative bacteria. These are Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Using CBG and other cannabinoids, with other antibiotics, may help to break apart the extra membrane. The one surrounding gram-negative bacteria effectively destroying these pathogens.
This multi-faceted approach supports the concept that a variety of natural antibacterial sources is the way to go. You can buy these minimal side-effect items at the grocery store, wellness shops, and more. Garlic helps to combat both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in a unique approach. If you compare to turmeric, which affects a particular type of bacteria in specified ways. Add a variety of natural compounds like CBG in your daily consumption. It could enhance our well-being.
Regardless, you should take in natural foods and legal dietary ingredients. It can lead to improved microbial and bacterial balance in the body. Enjoy natural products for their incredible potential. But be sure to fuel your system with plenty of colorful fruits/veggies, exercise, outdoor adventures, and positivity.
Conclusion if CBG treats bacterial infections
Cannabis plants has been creating CBG as an antibacterial and anti-fungal agent. This is to help plant proliferation for millennia. It is only now that we are starting to harvest the results of our modern research. We now understand that this plant mechanism may come in handy for our own mammalian systems. This crossover between animal and plant health is an exciting new revelation. Everyone from horticulturists to citizens will enjoy it. As new research illuminates the relationship between cannabinoids and bacterial infections.
CBG is in trace amounts in a variety of broad-spectrum products, such as our CBD Oils. In many cannabis/hemp strains, cannabigerol is a minimized plant cannabinoid. This means that these amounts will not have a significant effect on human physiology.