Facial redness may flare up for several causes, from a hereditary tendency to flushing to more severe skin conditions like rosacea and perioral dermatitis. Sun exposure, wind, hot or cold weather, spicy foods, alcohol, exercise, stress, hot baths, and hot drinks are common causes. But, every problem has a solution and so does facial redness. Learn how to get rid of facial redness easily at home.
What is the cause for redness on the face?
When your blood vessels dilate, more blood rushes to your skin, causing your face to become red. You can see redness not only on your face but also around your neck. This extreme flushing or transient redness of the skin is known as flushing. It may be caused by exposure to sunlight, resulting in sunburn, or by a strong emotion such as frustration, embarrassment, or stress, or other extreme emotional states.
Some medical conditions, such as menopause and rosacea, may also lead to it. Rosacea is a skin disease that causes blood vessels under the skin to dilate, causing the skin to look red. According to research, the causes of rosacea can be traced back to seborrhea, bacterial infection, Demodex infestation, and other factors.
A genetic predisposition to redness of the skin, an allergic reaction to some facial ingredients, exposure to heat or direct sunshine, over-exfoliation of skin, breakouts or acne, and excessive alcohol intake are all causes that cause redness of the face.
How to get rid of facial redness at home?
In the following part, we will look at some natural remedies to get rid of facial redness at home.
1. Green Tea Soak
Catechins in green tea have anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. These properties can help in the reduction of red patches on your face.
You Will Need:
- 1/2 tsp green tea leaves
- Boiled water
- A fresh washcloth
What You Have To Do:
- Bring a bowl of water to a boil, then steep two teaspoons of green tea and leave in it for 5 minutes.
- Refrigerate the strained decoction for a few minutes before soaking the washcloth in it.
- Wring it out and apply it to your face for 10 minutes.
- Cleanse your face with plain water.
How Often You Should Do This:
- Repeat regularly until the redness is gone.
2. Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly contains a petrolatum compound that improves skin barrier repair and has antimicrobial effects. These properties may help in the fight against any infection that could be causing facial redness.
You Will Need:
- 1 teaspoon petroleum jelly
What You Have To Do:
- Use a tablespoon of petroleum jelly, apply it to the infected areas.
- Leave it on overnight before washing with a gentle facial cleanser.
How Often You Should Do This:
- You can do this every night until the redness goes out.
3. Lavender Oil
According to studies, lavender oil has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects. These may help in the treatment of fungal or bacterial infections that cause facial inflammation and redness.
You Will Need:
- A Carrier Oil
- 2-3 drops lavender essential oil
What You Have To Do:
- Mix a few drops of lavender oil with a few drops of olive oil in a small mixing bowl.
- Apply it to the infected areas with a cotton ball.
- After 10 minutes, thoroughly rinse your face.
How Often You Should Do This:
- Do this 2-3 times a day.
4. Coconut Oil
An infection caused by a fungus or bacteria may also cause the skin to become inflamed or red. Lauric acid, contained in coconut oil, has antifungal effects. This may help in the fight against any skin infection that is causing facial redness.
You Will Need:
- Virgin coconut oil
What You Have To Do:
- Apply a teaspoon of slightly warm virgin coconut oil to the affected areas.
- Until cleaning, leave it on for about an hour.
How Often You Should Do This:
- Apply coconut oil to the red patches twice a day.
5. Cold Compress
Cold compresses can help soothe skin irritation or rashes, reducing facial redness.
You Will Need:
- Ice water
- A clean washcloth
What You Have To Do:
- Soak the washcloth in icy cold water and wring out the excess.
- Apply it to the affected areas for 10 minutes.
How Often You Should Do This:
- This should be done twice a day.
6. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory effects and is widely used to treat skin disorders. It will help to reduce inflammation on the skin, which reduces redness.
You Will Need:
- Chamomile tea bags
- A few cups of water
What You Have To Do:
- Take a few cups of water to a boil, then steep 2-3 chamomile tea bags in it.
- Let this decoction cool, then use it to wash your face.
- Pat your face dry.
How Often You Should Do This:
- This should be done twice a day.
7. Cucumber
Cucumber is high in phytochemicals, which help to reduce the appearance of lesions and acne. As a result, it can also help in the reduction of facial redness. It also makes the skin look clearer and more moisturized.
You Will Need:
- 1 Ripe cucumber
What You Have To Do:
- Grate the cucumber.
- Apply this pulpy paste to the areas of redness on the face as a face mask.
- Allow 15 minutes for it to dry before washing it with warm water.
How Often You Should Do This:
- This paste can be used 3-4 days a week.
8. Yogurt
Probiotics are used in yogurt. According to one study, oral probiotics can improve skin barrier function and reduce skin sensitivity. This can help to minimize the appearance of rashes and redness on your face.
You Will Need:
- 2 tablespoons yogurt
- 1 tsp of lemon juice
What You Have To Do:
- In a small bowl, mix the yogurt and lemon juice.
- Apply the paste to your face’s problem areas.
- Rinse well with water.
How Often You Should Do This:
- At least twice a week, apply this paste.
Note: Some people may experience allergic reactions when exposed to lemon. Before using this remedy, make sure to do a patch test.
9. Honey
Honey has long been used to treat skin conditions due to its wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects. It will help in the healing of any lesions or rashes that appear on the skin.
You Will Need:
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- Sterile gauze
What You Have To Do:
- Dab some honey to the sterile gauze.
- Apply it to the areas that are irritated by the redness.
How Often You Should Do This:
- Apply honey three or four times a day.
10. Aloe Vera
Anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agents are found in aloe vera. As a result, it can help reduce red patches on your face and promote faster healing.
What You Have To Do:
- The aloe vera gel can be extracted from the leaf.
- Apply the gel to the red areas of the skin.
- It’s best to leave it on overnight and then wash it off the next morning.
How Often You Should Do This:
- Repeat every night until the redness goes away.
Prevention Tips to get rid of facial redness at home
- Avoid rapid temperature changes because they can cause the skin to flush. Excessive sun exposure can also cause red patches to appear on the face.
- Staying hydrated prevents dehydration and replenishes your skin.
- Avoid drinking alcohol daily because it can cause the skin to look flushed.
- Practice relaxation methods such as yoga, breathing exercises, and so on. Stress, trauma, or some other underlying medical condition may cause the skin to look flushed. If you suspect this is the case, please seek the help of a therapist.
The Bottom Line
There are a few tips and tricks to get rid of facial redness at home. To achieve the desired results, stick to them diligently. If the problems last longer than a week, consult a doctor.