CBG has shown immense potential as a therapeutic cannabinoid but do you know that you can also consume it for enjoyment purposes? Yes, smokable CBG is a real deal and can be no less impactful than well-known cannabinoids like CBD and THC. Smoking CBG can be fun if you are exploring the health and recreational benefits of CBG. Though there’s little scientific evidence, personal experiences from CBG smokers suggest its well-regulated use can also provide many health benefits. Of late, brands that are into cannabis have shown tremendous interest in this cannabis compound. Researchers, as well as consumers, have also shown a great deal of interest in it. In this article, however, we’ll explore the casual side of CBG hemp flower. We’ll see how smokable CBG flowers can benefit your overall well process.
Let’s break it down!
What’s CBG and how is it different from other cannabinoids?
CBG as a cannabinoid follows the same journey as CBD. It was discovered 6 decades back in the 1960s by Israeli researchers. Like CBD, it also primarily comes in oil drops, creams, and tinctures. As the demand for CBG is increasing, cultivars are exploring ways to grow high CBG hemp strains. Not many people may know this but CBG is also called the “mother” or “stem cell” of all the other compounds. It’s the primary compound found in a cannabis plant, from which all other cannabinoids are synthesised. Like other cannabinoids, CBG also offers distinct health benefits that are different from CBD and THC. If you can buy high concentration CBG strains, you can benefit instantly by smoking them.
CBG, unlike CBD and THC, is an expensive compound to manufacture. The US government has also shown openness towards CBG. The National Center for Complementary and Integrated Health (NCCIH), in its research, has found that CBG and other cannabinoids have helped tackle a host of health complications. The major difference between CBG and other cannabinoids is the way they interact with our health system. While CBD and CBG offer benefits without altering our state of mind, THC is an intoxicant, meaning it causes a ‘high’.
Smokable CBG flower and its benefits
Smokable CBG flower provides energizing effects if you consume in small doses. You can use smokeable CBG strain in the morning to get an extra boost throughout the day. Once you settle on your CBG dosage regimen, you’ll continue to enjoy energized and relaxed feel with alertness. You can even combine different strains of CBG and CBD to have a wholesome experience. CBG flower is a hemp flower with high levels of CBG cannabis compound. As hemp plants start their growth journey, CBG is in its primary stage in the form of CBGA.
However, further breakdown of the primary compound with heat and sunlight causes a split in the flower’s energy, producing not only just CBG but a host of other cannabinoids like CBD, THC, CBN, among others. The main issue with CBG production is its scarce nature. It’s present in very low quantity, which not only makes it hard to produce but expensive as well. As researchers study CBG more and more, they are developing new varieties of cannabinoids to make them more accessible to consumers.
For example, Jack Frost, an industrial hemp strain, is bred specifically to produce higher amounts of CBG. Because of its scarce nature, there aren’t many CBG-heavy products available in the market. Most of such strains are full-spectrums so you may skip it if you don’t want to consume full spectrum strains. If you also want to get a little high by smokable CBG, buy some marijuana instead of hemp, primarily SAG and Holy Grail Kush strains. They have a high concentration of THC but with a touch of CBG, which gives a unique experience. Lastly, be discreet if you buy CBG-based hemp flowers. The cannabinoids fall in the grey area of regulations and you could be in trouble if it’s not legal in your state.
CBG hemp flowers’ properties
Just like its sister cannabinoids CBD or THC, CBG also interacts with the endocannabinoid system, also called ECS, which is also a sort of cannabinoid that’s produced by our body. The external dose of cannabinoid in the form of CBG gives a boost to your internal system. CBG contains a low concentration of THC, which means it’ll show mild intoxicating properties. This image has also helped producers brand it more as a medicinal substance than a recreational one. CBG hemp flower can set you in the right mood. It can also boost anandamide, a cannabinoid produced naturally by our body, which promotes the feeling of bliss and overall well-being. CBG also acts as a strong pain reliever like CBD. This raises hopes that one day we could have a painkiller in the form of CBG, which is 100 per cent organic.
Like CBD, CBG is also an anti-inflammatory cannabinoid. It has been shown via various studies done on animals that CBG can improve irritable bowel disease. The research studies on its clinical trials on humans are still limited. CBG can even contain the growth of cancer cells and has shown a great deal of promise in treating Huntington’s disease.
Scarcity of CBG concentrations
CBG is harder to cultivate and even harder to extract, which raises its cost dramatically. In average hemp biomass, the CBG concentration is not more than 2 percent, which makes it expensive as well as scarce. The process to extract CBG is also costly and a little bit complicated. This is the reason that most companies prefer to sell CBG in full spectrum. The scarcity of CBG extract also restricts producers from flooding the market with products like in the case of CBD. You can find CBD’s presence in several things — from cookies to cakes and gummies to vapes. Besides, if you are a cannabis producer, better quality hemp production, coupled with advanced marketing techniques, can set your product apart from others. CBG is a wonderful cannabinoid and it has the potential to give a boost to the already thriving cannabis industry.