Excessive or unnecessary hair growth on the body and face of women results from a disorder called hirsutism. All women have facial and body hair. But the hair is generally very fine and light in color.
The main difference between natural hair on a woman’s body and face (often related to as “peach fuzz”) and hair produced by hirsutism is the texture. Excessive or unnecessary hair that grows on the face, arms, back, or chest of a woman is usually awkward and dark. The growth pattern of hirsutism in women is associated with virilization. Women with this disorder have characteristics that are often associated with male hormones.
Hirsutism is not the same as hypertrichosis, which refers to excess hair in places that do not depend on androgens (male hormones). Hirsutism is excess hair in places where it is usually found in men, such as the face and lower abdomen. Hypertrichosis, on the other hand, will increase the hair growth in women anywhere in the body.
According to the Indian Journal of Dermatology, between 5% and 10% of women are affected by hirsutism. It appears to occur in families. So you might be more likely to get women’s unwanted hair growth if your mum, sister, or other female relatives already has it. Women of Mediterranean, South Asian, and Middle Eastern heritage are also more likely to grow.
The presence of excess body hair can lead to feelings of self-consciousness, but it’s not dangerous. However, the hormonal imbalance that can lead to it may compromise the health of a woman.
First of all, we have to know more about hirsutism:
What Is Hirsutism?
Hirsutism is a common disorder in which a person develops excessive hair growth in women. It affects 5% to 10% of women with child-bearing potential.
Sometimes develop thick, dark hair growth in women on the upper lip, jaw, chest, abdomen, or back, instead of fine hair often referred to as “peach fuzz” that normally grows in those regions. Although this disorder can cause a great deal of distress, it is treatable.
Hirsutism is a stiff or dark body hair that occurs on the body where women do not usually have hair—mainly the face, chest, lower belly, inner thighs, and back. People have a wide range of opinions about what is excessive.
When high androgen levels cause hirsutism, other symptoms can develop over time. This process is called virilization. Signs of virilization can include:
- Deepening voice
- Balding
- Acne
- Decreased breast size
- Increased muscle mass
- Enlargement of the clitoris
Causes of Excess Hair Growth in Women
Hormones called androgens are the main reason why body hair grows in women. Doctors refer to androgens as male hormones, though they are produced by both males and females.
If the female body contains so many androgens, it can grow more body hair than is normal. Several medical conditions can cause too many androgens in the body.
PCOS is the most common source of excessive hair growth in women. PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that causes the body to produce too many androgens.
According to a 2012 study in the American Family Physician, PCOS accounts for 72% to 82% of women’s hirsutism cases.
Doctors do not completely understand PCOS causes. But patients can treat problems with birth control drugs or other hormonal therapy.
Less common causes of excess hair growth in women include the following:
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a rare group of conditions that affect the adrenal glands and cause serious symptoms. The body can produce too many androgens when the adrenal glands are not working properly.
Doctors screen for diseases that cause adrenal hyperplasia, but diagnosis of mild cases until puberty is difficult.
The 2012 American Family Physicist study mentioned above showed that 0.2% of hirsutism cases are due to a tumor that releases androgens.
Under these cases, the body’s hair appears rapidly and may include other symptoms, such as stomach or pelvic mass.
Some medications can cause hair growth in women. A woman who notices new hair growth after having tried a new prescription drug should tell her doctor.
Some Medicines Linked to Hirsutism Include:
- Antidepressants
- Some antibiotics
- Sleeping medications
- Hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, plus drugs that alter hormone production
Hyperprolactinemia is a disease that induces the body to contain high levels of the prolactin hormone.
Prolactin is mainly responsible for the production of breast milk in breastfeeding mothers. Women with this condition can lactate even if they are not nursing.
Some people with hyperprolactinemia may suffer infertility or may not have a period.
Thyroid Disorders
The thyroid releases hormones that help to control metabolism and body temperature. When the thyroid is malfunctioning, it can create a hormone imbalance that can cause extra hair growth in women.
Other Causes
Sometimes hirsutism doesn’t have a clear cause. And doctors can’t find any clear proof of the underlying condition. When the disorder has no clear cause, the doctor can refer to it as idiopathic.
Idiopathic hyperandrogenemia is a disorder in which the body produces too much androgen for no apparent reason.
Idiopathic hirsutism occurs when the body grows more hair than is typical, with no apparent underlying cause. When the cause of hirsutism is unclear, it may be genetic.
Natural Treatment Options
Natural therapy can help with unwanted hair growth in women due to PCOS.
This Includes the Following:
- Diet changes: Women with insulin resistance may help reduce their intake of sugars and carbohydrates. Some women also follow specific PCOS diets. But there is no research into how well these diets work.
- Weight management: Losing weight can help control many of the effects of PCOS. The right balance of diet and exercise could be necessary for many women.
- Mental health support: PCOS is a complex condition that can affect the appearance, fertility, and health. Many women find support groups, counseling, and positive self-talk to help.
Hair removal methods, such as shaving or the use of hair removal creams, can be useful. However, these methods would not solve the underlying cause of excess hair growth.
The Bottom Line
Hair removal methods make it easy to eliminate the cosmetic concerns of the excessive hair growth quickly. For women, whose main concern is cosmetics, the outlook is excellent.
When an underlying disorder causes hair growth, the outlook depends on the cause. Most hormonal disorders, including PCOS, respond to medical treatment. Proper care may reduce the amount of body hair that a woman experiences.
Almost all females, however, grow their body hair. Even healthier women will grow a lot more body hair than they consider desirable. In such situations, they may need to continue to remove the hair.