The gift of healing is probably the most desired of all spiritual gifts. We’ve all wished to be cured or have someone we know healed at any point in our lives. What exactly is God’s gift to healing? Is that happening today? Do all those who claim to be anointed by God to heal the sick have this ability? Has the advancement of modern medical science decreased the need for divine healing? When considering the topic of healing, all of these questions must be addressed.
What is God’s gift to healing?
God’s gift to healing is a special ability given by God to those members of the Body of Christ to serve as human intermediaries through whom God wishes to treat illness apart from the use of natural means and restore health.
God’s gift to healing
There are over twenty different spiritual gifts listed in the New Testament.
Most people are unaware that the Greek word for the gift of healing used by the Apostle Paul here is in the plural form.
When translated into English, the word should simply read “gifts of healings,” meaning that there are many various kinds of healings (e.g., physical, emotional, behavioral, or spiritual healings) and/or that there are many unique occurrences of healings (which we see occurring throughout the Book of Acts). While miracle healing of the ill is an important part of healing, we must be careful not to limit our understanding of the gift of healing only to physical healing. Based on the plural language used by the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 12, some New Testament scholars believe that the gift of healing may not be a permanent spiritual gift. However, it is a temporary gift bestowed by the Holy Spirit on a Believer at specific times for the healing of another.
Discovering God’s gift to healing
So, how do you know if you have the healing gift? Luckily, there are 10 practical ways to determine if God has gifted you this spiritual gift.
These include:
1. The “Fruit” Test
Like any other spiritual gift (teaching, leadership, evangelism, spirituality, etc.), the areas of ministry where you are most fruitful also indicate where you are most gifted. The same may be said for God’s gift to healing.
For example, if you frequently lay hands on and pray with sick people who are suffering from various physical illnesses and are frequently healed, it is a pretty good sign that you may have the gift of healing. Years of experience have shown us that not everyone we pray for is physically healed. But those with the gift of healing appear to have more healings and are powerfully used by the Holy Spirit to minister healing to others. The power isn’t theirs. The Holy Spirit’s power is flowing into them, as is their spiritual gift (s).
My best advice is that if you want to find out if you have God’s gift to healing, step out of faith and pray boldly for sick people suffering from a physical condition or another personal problem. Test it out to see how God works. You may be surprised by what God does!
2. When We Pray for Healing, We Experience Physical Sensations and the Release of Power
When those with the gift of healing pray for someone, they can feel strange physical sensations such as “hot” sensations. Others who have the gift of healing can see or feel God’s power literally flowing through a person’s body, bringing healing to specific areas of the body.
Lynette Johnson, who currently leads physical healing prayer sessions at Wellsprings of Freedom International in Rock Island, IL, explains how the gift of healing works in and around her on occasion:
When I lay hands on someone and pray, my hands often get hot and tingling. I sometimes get the sensation that an electrical current is flowing through my body and exiting through my arm and hand. Sometimes I get extremely hot, and my ears turn red.
When people pray for recovery, they can feel a variety of physical feelings. However, if a person has these kinds of experiences, it is a good indication that God has blessed them with healing gifts.

3. Desire to see People Healed
You seem to be more strong about healing than other people seem to do. You have a strong desire to see people cured by God’s power and may have had that desire for a long time.
4. You Motivate Others to Receive Healing Prayer
You believe in prayers for the sick and regularly inspire people to do so. When someone says they’re sick, your first reaction is to pray for them.
- Prophecies or a long-term sense of God’s call
- You can recall a time(s) in the past that God called you to the healing ministry
- You may have heard personal prophecies about God using you in the healing ministry
5. You Gravitate to the healing ministry
Your interest in prayer for the sick has driven you to join a team that prays for the sick, now or in the past. A dedicated healing ministry, healing evangelism team, worship ministry, or a church prayer or altar team could all fall into this category.
Remember that you may have a unique healing gift – the way the Holy Spirit works in you can vary from that of others.
6. You have Received a Significant Healing
You have seen firsthand God’s healing power in your own life. And your contact with Him has increased your trust in God’s power to heal others.
7. You have participated in health-related trials
You or anyone close to you has faced significant health issues, including illness and complications. These conditions have driven you to seek God, His Word, and His heart for healing.
8. You’ve Had a Difficult Time with The Healing Ministry
You used to cure people by praying for them. However, you’ve been having a dry or tough time since then. There have been times in the wilderness that you’ve questioned whether or not you have a healing ability.
9. Leaders Recognize Your Healing Gift
Your call and capacity to serve in the field of healing have been recognized by leaders and pastors. They have encouraged you to explore your gift more or have invited you to join a team that ministers in the area of healing.
10. People have been healed as a result of your efforts
The true evidence that you have a healing gift is evidence of healing in your ministry. When you pray for or minister to someone’s healing, they always feel a touch from God, both emotionally and physically.
The Bottom Line
God is the one that miraculously gives healing in all situations. Suppose healing occurs immediately due to prayer, as a result of medical intervention, or as a result of our bodies’ natural restorative processes. In that case, it is still from God for His glory and our good.