A holistic approach means providing care that looks at the whole individual, not just their mental health needs. The support should also take into consideration their physical, social, and spiritual wellbeing.
For many of us, taking care of our health may mean scheduling a doctor’s appointment when we aren’t feeling well. On the other hand, these interactions limit our approach and understanding of our health by limiting our outlook to only treating a specific symptom. A holistic approach to health takes into account physical, mental, emotional, and social wellbeing.
What does it mean to treat wellness holistically? Here, we’ll go over some of the basic principles of a holistic approach to health.
What is a holistic approach to health?
A holistic health approach considers the whole body and being, rather than only the system or body part causing problems. Your entire self — mind, body, and spirit — is seen as one interconnected fabric. This works together to heal and keep you healthy. As a result, holistic health is more than just drugs and procedures. It also includes lifestyle changes.
Naturopathic doctors are those who follow a holistic approach to health. While developing a treatment plan, they include both conventional and alternative medicine. When you have a health problem, a holistic approach to health will include your entire lifestyle. Your diet, stress levels, workout routine, extracurricular interests, and even interpersonal relationships are all taken into consideration, in addition to your medical history, bloodwork, and diagnostic imaging.
The principles of a holistic approach to health
When you are well, a holistic approach focuses on treating you. You might be inclined to call the doctor when you are really exhausted or have nagging back pain. But the holistic approach aims to improve your health at all stages and levels of your whole being.
It is important to understand that the holistic approach to health is a two-way street. Your commitment to your wellbeing requires a commitment to some lifestyle changes. These include dietary changes, workout schedule changes, or nutritional supplements recommended by your naturopathic doctor.
Finally, a holistic approach to health believes in addressing the underlying cause of a problem rather than just treating the symptoms. Instead of treating your symptoms, naturopathic physicians use traditional medicine and medical techniques such as bloodwork and imaging to determine whether you’re feeling the way you do.
When it comes to holistic fitness, we recognize physical, mental, social, moral, and intellectual well-being in addition to the physical body. All five facets of holistic wellness combine to help a person live each day in the healthiest and happiest way possible. And if one is compromised, other areas are likely to be.
1. Physical
When most people think about health, they think of their physical health. This is mostly because physical signs are often shown by the physical body as well as symptoms of either optimal or suboptimal health.
When it comes to physical health, there are a few main practices that everyone can learn from that can make a significant difference in their overall wellbeing:
- Every night, have at least eight hours of sleep. This will help the body to rest and repair itself after a long day truly
- Consume a nutrient-dense diet rich in plant-based ingredients and organic/pastured animal products
- Maintain a healthy blood sugar by eating meals and snacks containing fat, carbs, and protein every 3-4 hours
- Keep your body moving for 30 minutes a day. Everyone’s workout schedule is different. But everyone will benefit from at least 30 minutes of exercise each day.
- Limit processed foods and hydrogenated oils. These are highly inflammatory and can raise the risk of heart disease
- Do not drink alcohol or smoke excessively
Although it is often ignored, our emotional health is just as essential as our physical health. This is especially because it can impact our physical health if not prioritized.
Ways to improve your emotional health:
- Seek therapy if required. Therapy is an important part of maintaining our emotional health. And you should make use of it when the situation arises.
- Develop habits of mindfulness and stress control to help you better manage life’s everyday stresses.
- Keep a diary in which you can record your thoughts and emotions. Keep a thankful diary to help you remember what you are grateful for during stressful times.
According to studies, the happiest people have strong bonds with their friends, families, and society. This is why religion is often associated with happiness. This is because it can provide a strong sense of community and encouragement.
You can improve your social health by doing the following:
- Make time for face-to-face connections. Technology has enabled us to become more social. But studies have found that virtual connections do not provide the same level of happiness as in-person connections.
- Get involved with your local community. Getting involved with your local community, whether by your church, local volunteer groups, clubs, or services at your children’s school, is one of the best ways to help your social health and increase happiness.
Spiritual health does not necessarily require religious practice, though the two often share practices and principles. Instead, your spiritual health should be concerned about how you connect with your soul and the world at large around you.
Ways to improve your spiritual health:
- Spend time with nature
- Meditate for a few minutes each day
- If you are religious, make sure to practice your faith
Our mental health, which often overlaps with our emotional and physical health, is the final aspect of holistic health.
Below are a few things you should do to improve your mental health:
- Always keep your mind active by searching out learning experiences and problem-solving practices that challenge your brain.
- Eat nutrient-dense foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids to help reduce overall inflammation and improve cognitive function.
- Avoid excessive drinking, smoking, and drug abuse.
- Improve gut health by eating gut-healing foods like bone broth and foods high in prebiotics. Since the brain is directly linked to the gut, a healthy gut is important for a healthy mind.
More techniques for a holistic approach to health
- Try deep breathing techniques for a more holistic approach to health. Stress control is an essential aspect of overall health. It affects every aspect of our wellbeing. When things around you get stressful, techniques like deep breathing can help you calm down and relax.
- Practice yoga. With stress impacting nearly every part of our lives, keeping it in check is essential for overall wellbeing. This ancient practice also helps with stretching and strengthening, keeping you limber and in shape.
- Laugh a little (or a lot). As the adage goes, laughter is the best treatment. That is backed by science. Laughter has various short- and long-term effects, including stress relief and mood enhancement.
- Improve your diet. From the inside out, good health begins. Holistic health practitioners put a high value on what you eat. A well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is important.
The Bottom Line
A holistic approach to health considers the wellbeing of your mind, body, and spirit. When something triggers a visit to the doctor, the holistic approach investigates all factors that might have caused this problem, whether it’s work-related stress or an unhealthy diet.
Importantly, no health journey is complete without you seek the help of a doctor you trust. Consider scheduling an appointment with a holistic physician or coordinating care with a holistic physician. This practitioner can help you in your path to holistic wellness.